Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So I guess if you are reading this, you may know me. You may not.

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Kelly. You'll get to know me through these entries if you read long enough.

Now that we've gotten through the introductory post, I'm going to delve right into the meat of what's going on in my little brain.

I've recently moved a few hours away from my friends and family, and it's not so bad....

I really don't know anyone where I've moved, except I'll call him J. He's been a really great friend to me over the years, and I appreciate him more than anything... we've gotten closer of the past month or so, because he so far has proved he is a loyal friend. I can't see him intentionally hurting me like a lot of my friends do. There underlying problems with him in my life, but those aren't of importance in this entry. They aren't truly bad, just complicated.

Now, onto the Bitter Ex. We'll call him Gamer. Gamer and I broke up for a few reasons, one of which he now denies: He cheated on me, and his video games became far more important. There are no real feelings left on my end, but we still fight... a lot.

So onto other matters on the moving subject:

I have to clean out my old storage locker. No ifs, ands, or buts. I need to get rid of my daughters things. I need to just sort through everything. I just don't know if I'm emotionally strong enough. Fuck, I have one of her teddy bears I sleep with once in a while... It's just not fair for me to have to get rid of everything that should have been put to good use. I have friends that will take some of the stuff, but its still so painful because those are my daughter's things, and she never got to use them. The things they can't use will go to Goodwill... I'm just a little shaky on going there by myself. I have furniture in there I will need though.

I'll write more later... but thank you for listening!


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